The Gospel of Rome
About the Author


Mark Edward Sohmer has been a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ since September 25, 1993. He attends a Bible-believing church where he seeks to "grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ" (2 Peter 3:18). He loves God's Word and is convinced that everything we need to know about God and salvation can be found there.

He is a Graduate of the University of New Hampshire, where he majored in English, and earned a minor in Greek and Latin.

He is not a Pastor, nor a professional writer, though he is excited about God's "good, and acceptable, and perfect" will for him, whatever that may be (Romans 12:2).

He can be reached and welcomes comments, questions, and/or any correspondence:

Mark Edward Sohmer ~ ~

Next: Endnotes

Table of Contents

This document written to the glory of God.
© 2006, Mark Edward Sohmer. Please feel free to quote from it in context, and distribute it in its entirety without profit.
Author retains the right to prohibit others from distributing for illegitimate purposes.
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